Digital editorial



With Magnifico.Works, development and other organizations have been able to merry creativity with results. We provide video production services in:

  • Storyboarding

  • Shooting

  • Editing

Our videos work great on social media and websites, as we tailor them for different platforms.

Portfolio of work




Al Jazeera English


To support the development of their policy briefs, we have edited six pieces for language and style.

St Louis Superman

As part of the social media campaign around the Oscar nomination of Al Jazeera-commissioned St Louis Superman short documentary, I worked with producers and editors to develop a suite of videos in variety of formats for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Watch St Louis Superman Facebook video

Uganda’s Lady Justice

For the release of a new documentary, Uganda’s Lady Justice, about a woman devoting her time to helping former convicts settle back to life, I produced a social video.

Watch Uganda’s Lady Justice promo video on Facebook


OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)


OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission: Short-Term Observers

To recruit short-term observers for OSCE/ODIHR election monitoring missions, I traveled to Kiev, Ukraine, to develop a video,  following two teams of observers in to depict their time observing.

Watch OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission: Short-Term Observers

Behind OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Missions

To give an overview of the work that goes on at missions, before elections, I worked with the Elections Department, to put together a video, consisting of interviews with core team members, each describing their piece of the work.

 Watch Behind OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Missions

Youth Seminar in Serbia

This video is a collection of interviews by participants of a youth seminar in Belgrade on Balkan youth's involvement in politics.

Watch OSCE/ODIHR Youth Seminar

Hate Crime Training for Civil Society

To give a snapshot of training on hate crime, delivered by the Tolerance and non-Discrimination Department, I put together this video, including participant interviews.
Watch Hate Crime Training

Youth Leadership Forum 2014

In coordination with the Democratization Department, I gathered testimonials and supporting footage to give a flavor of this conference.
Watch Youth Leadership Forum




UNOPS results

The organization produces yearly reports on its projects and their impact. Explaining this through an infographics video is a great way to communicate these results. I took the graphics developed for the report and used them in this video.
Watch Sustainability, focus & excellence: UNOPS results 

Working at UNOPS

UNOPS needed a good way to illustrate its uniqueness as a workplace. I interviewed colleagues from various units and locations to present a holistic view of the organization as an employer.
Watch Working at UNOPS

Gender Policies at UNOPS Workplace

This video was produced upon HR department's request to create a video to attract qualified female candidates to apply for jobs at UNOPS.

Watch Gender Policies at UNOPS Workplace

South Sudan

For this video, I worked with a colleague who traveled to South Sudan for an assignment and brought back video interviews, footage and photos. I used these materials to edit them into a ten-minute video, illustrating the spectrum of work UNOPS does in the country. As part of this video, I also added my voice over for narration.
Watch UNOPS in South Sudan video


This video got me to travel to Haiti, where I collected footage and conducted video interviews. It is a vivid piece with beneficiary testimonials, action shots and a lot of interviews.
Watch UNOPS in Haiti video

Nyenrode Business Universiteit


Between November 2012 and March 2013, I worked with the university's marketing team to help them produce five short documentaries about their students in specific programs and a recruitment event that they run for prospective students:



Many organizations struggle with communicating complex data in an understandable and engaging way. This is particularly true for development institutions who produce publications and research highlighting striking information.

At Magnifico.Works, we work with that information to inform our beautiful infographics.

Portfolio of work


OSCE/Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)


Women's role in politics

With the gender unit, I helped them with promoting their gender compendium publication, illustrating the progress of women's role in politics in the past 20 years. This infographic visual turned a highly dense publication into an attractive promotional tool.

                                                          View the infographic on the Compendium of Good Practices for                                                                 Advancing Women’s Political Participation in the OSCE Region

Educating on Roma and Sinti genocide

Working to promote the recognition of the Roma and Sinti genocide in the OSCE member states, ODIHR published a report on its commemoration and education. I created a feature story, combining background information, quotes and infographic.

View the infographic on Roma and Sinti genocide - Education and Commemoration

300 ODIHR Election Observation Missions

The 2015 local elections in Ukraine was ODIHR's 300th mission to observe an election. In connection to this, I worked with the election department to put together an infographic on ODIHR's efforts in election observation.

                                                          View the infographic on 300 ODIHR Election Observation Missions

Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2015

Every year, ODIHR organizes the biggest human rights conference in Europe. To create energy around the event before it started, I used the agenda to make an infographic on the event.

                                                          View the infographic on Human Dimension Implementation Meeting                                                           2015 (Scroll down to the bottom of the page)

ODIHR in Ukraine

The office has started a big cross-departmental project on strengthening the capacity of civil society in Ukraine. To capture all these efforts, I developed an infographic, summarizing the project.

                                                          View the infographic on ODIHR in Ukraine (Scroll down to the                                                                      bottom of the page)

Remembering the Holocaust

One of the issues that the Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department of ODIHR within the context of anti-Semitism is monitoring States involvement in commemorating the Holocaust across the OSCE region. In cooperation with the OSCE Secretariat, I used their report with various calendar information to build an infographic feature in the form of a timeline, illustrating which country commemorates the Holocaust when.

View the infographic on remembering the Holocaust

Ukraine's 2014 early parliamentary elections in numbers

Working off of the Elections Department's highly technical report, I developed this infographic to capture ODIHR's recommendations for the authorities in Ukraine.

View the infographic on 2014 early parliamentary elections in Ukraine

Cross-border mobility in the OSCE region

This feature is based on the report developed by the Democratization Department, as part of their work in freedom of movement, to illustrate the current situation of freedom for travelers in the OSCE region.

View the infogropahic on cross-border mobility

Ukraine’s 2014 early presidential election in numbers

After the Presidential election in May 2014 in Ukraine, the Elections Department's final report on their observation of the elections were very much in the focus of media. This infogrpahic was developed to summarize those findings.

View infographic on 2014 early presidential elections in Ukraine